Wednesday, October 27, 2004
- - Wednesday - -

Among all days in a week...I dislike Wednesday the most. It's a very long day with 3 subjets. The most boring subject is Business Management. I don't understand what the lecturer is saying and I think other students also feel the same way. This is really bad because the school change our lecturer so often. The worst nightmare is that our previous management lecturer keep giving us mind mapping and really....everybody is very confused. Our present lecturer...errm what should I say?? Since we are very confused, of course we can not follow the lesson. The previous teacher suddenly left without any words and the new lecturer doesn't know which chapter we had been taught. We, as a student, do not know either. All of us are lost in the middle of nowhere!!!

I just realise that there is camera installed in each classroom. I find it rather funny because I don't think it's necessary. Our academic director is also teaching Economics. When he taught a friend of mine from different class, he said the school is having a shortage of paper and staples. The question is why he didn't use the money to buy paper and staples instead ??? Afterall, paper and staples are the basic essential in every school.

Then...I'm not sure how does the camera work....Hopefully, I'm not caught in the act when I'm talking or playing =P.

Zero-X ranted @ 10:05 PM ;
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