Tuesday, January 11, 2005
- - Why We Try Sooo Hard To Fit In??? - -

When I'm washing my dishes....this idea suddenly struck me...and I'm thinking of writing it down.

Ever wonder when we pass by a shoe shop...we look through the glass. There is a pair of beautiful shoe. Suddenly, we thought of trying it out. We get into the shop...and try the shoe. Unfortunatelly, the shoe doesn't fit us but because it is so pretty, we refuse to give in. By all means, we purchase that shoe and wear it just to show off to our friends.

We are very happy to get all the compliments from our friends. However, deep down every step we make, our feet hurts. It hurts so much and our feet will get all those scratches, blisters and bruises. In the end, we can't even wear other shoes.

The thing is...why we are forcing ourselves to buy that particular shoe?? Why we don't choose other shoes which might suit our feet and it can also provide comfort for us???

This apply to our everyday lives....we try sooo hard to fit in....in an environment, with someone or other things. We try so hard to get along with someone....try so hard to please but we got hurt in the end. Isn't it really silly?? We can always choose to be in different environment or get along with someone with the same interest or who "click" with us.

When we are with someone we can "click", we can be ourselves...we don't need too hard to impress or please. We can be natural and for sure, it will feel whole lot better rather that pretend to be someone we are not =).

Zero-X ranted @ 10:51 PM ;
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