Monday, August 22, 2005
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Back to my blog entry..... Hmm I don't feel quite right at this moment. This is because of the incident that happened early this morning. Truly, the incident left me with uncomfortable feeling. It feels like as if I'm being accused of something.... can't really put my feelings right....Can't really describe exactly how I feel....

Who start it first anyway? Me??? I guess not..... I'm not trying to point finger to anyone. I'm not trying to blame anybody. Hmm but is it really called a joke when the joke is over, it makes you feel uncomfortable? I know a joke can make you laugh over it, thinking how silly the joke is. However, there is something more to this so called "joke". It doesn't leave me laughing over it at all when the game is over!!!

I don't wish this thing to be happening. This is something that I have never expected to happen.

Anyway, I hope this is really so called "joke". But why? I still don't feel right? Huaaaa what ever it is folks, I don't want to think about it. Let it be...let it flow. Let go....let GOD. For those people out there that involve in this so called "joke", either directly or indirectly, just one thing I want to say : PEACEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!

Zero-X ranted @ 2:52 PM ;
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