Wednesday, October 05, 2005
- - Outer Beauty VS Inner Beauty - -

Recently, Jean Yip beauty centre is having a tv show at channel 8. It is similar to idols stuffs show. However, the show is not looking for idol. The show is looking for those people who wants to slim down. Those candidates will have to face some "judges" where they are being interviewed. In the end those "judges" will decide who will be sponsored for the slimming and complete make over programme.

After watching the show, I'm kind of grateful to my body. At least I can go on a binge and will not put on fats under my skin and no slimming programme for me hehehe....Some of my friends told me they envied me...for being so skinny. Hmm...but guys, skinny doesn't mean you are healthy. Remember that!! Hehehe...

Just wondering..there is a saying inner beauty matters most. Is it really true? If inner beauty matter most, then why those people work so hard and starve themselves just to look good??? I just don't understand. To me, the saddest thing is depriving yourself from eating food that you like. I'm not saying that you can go and eat all you can. Yes, you can do that, but in moderate amount =).

So back to today's topic...outer beauty VS inner beauty...I think all those saying about inner beauty is completely useless. I mean, whatever it is, people still jugde you base on your outer beauty. Hmm I believe only a handful of people that really care about inner beauty.

Just take for example of so-called pretty girls and handsome guys. Everywhere they go, for sure people look at them. NO? Don't think so? Oh come on, you've got to believe me on this hehehe...Another thing, usually those people using their outer beauty to get what they want from others. can be in negative context or positive context. I'm not sure either =).

Anyway, there is no ending to this topic. I can go on and on and on writing until 100 entries about this. Hehehe...whatever it is, I just wish I meet people who appreciate me base on my inner beauty =).

Zero-X ranted @ 10:19 PM ;
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