Thursday, October 06, 2005
- - Story Part 1 - -

I stared through the darkness of my room as I lay awake in my bed. I tossed and turn in my bed as the clock ticking its arms to 12-midnight. My head was in a whirl and I just lost in the darkness of my room. A hint of ray from the main road peered through my window pane and it formed a bright spot on the ceiling. I whispered to myself, 'I wish you are here with me.... ,' as I looked outside to the gloomy and starless sky. How I wished I could just tell you everything that went through inside my mind.

Images of the earlier day crept into my head. All those scenes replayed over and over again in my mind. It was not clear though. They were just fragments; as if watching a movie from scratched compact disk.

I remembered I was overwhelmed with emotions that I could hardly contain. As I walked aimlessly into the lonely road, my eyes were welled up with tears that blurred my vision. I inhaled deeply down to my lungs to prevent those tears from rolling down, but to no avail. Still in my disbelieved, the mere words were capable to shatter me into pieces.

Back to the reality where my body still laid on the bed. At the back of my mind, all those thoughts exhausted me. I refused to recall any of them because it would only inflicted another fresh scar in my already wounded heart. As I closed my eyes to sleep, I decided to let it be a deeply buried memory. My new tale would unfold as the sun greeted me the next day.

(Part 1 be continued to the next part....)

So..guys, any comments?? Hm..

Zero-X ranted @ 7:01 PM ;
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